Check out our event recap, followed by fabulous event photos by Hannah Jackson below…

We’ve been hosting women’s business networking events in downtown Halifax for over a decade – but what most people don’t know is that I, Menna Riley, have been living on the south shore for most of those years!

Over two years ago, during the pandemic, I moved to Mahone Bay and fell in love with the town. Although I lived in Lunenburg prior to that, (big move for a city gal like me) and thought that was pretty amazing, there was something extra special about Mahone Bay – like living in a postcard.

Not only did I make so many great friends with local business owners, I stumbled upon my new favourite restaurant – a gorgeous boutique inn and wine bar complete with a wood-fired pizza oven! I became friends with owners and innovators Danielle and Betty – and not after long we were already scheming about how to bring Leading Ladies Networking to their award-winning establishment in the heart of Mahone Bay.

Fast-forward to Thursday, October 12th – we sold out our first Satellite Night and I don’t think we’ve ever received more rave reviews for one of our events! You can be sure that although this was our first event outside of downtown Halifax, it won’t be our last!!

If you haven’t made it out to one of our events lately we’ve still got a few more coming up this year! Make sure you’re in the room for the best connections, cocktails and conversations!


Click for November 2023 Events and scroll for event photos…



Wing Women add an extra special element to our networking experience. They’re a welcoming smile and safe place to land if you need it. They’re here to put the ‘safety net’ in networking. Plus, they’re all EXPERTS in their field, so you get to take advantage of the chance to connect and get some complimentary consultation time.

Thanks to these talented women for their energy, time, and leadership at our October event in Mahone Bay:

Jennifer Fraser, Senior Account Manager Entrepreneurship Centre at bdc.ca. Jen is a Senior Account Manager looking to connect with female entrepreneurs. Jen is curious and genuinely interested in her client’s business, identifying their opportunities and challenges so she can provide coaching and financial resources to support their growth and overcome challenging times. Jen has supported businesses in her role at BDC for 10 years and is a Women in Business Champion at BDC who actively supports female entrepreneurs in the Nova Scotia.Jennifer lives in the South shore and volunteers with organizations in her community to support businesses including the Chester Village Christmas festival and Chester Junior Sailing.

Bernice Williams is the founder of Intentional Connection and Queen Bee at HIVE Publishing. With a deep-rooted passion for people and their stories, she works tirelessly to help organizations and entrepreneurs build their capacity, increase their networks, and develop the skills and confidence they need to bring their unique talents to the world. Her work centres on creating opportunities and building stronger communities. You can find her working in a variety of formats from facilitation and training to international business matchmaking and one-on-one coaching. She’s dedicated to Helping Increase Visibility and Equality (HIVE).

Sarah Riley – Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at R&G Strategic. R&G is a women-founded and led agency seamlessly blending a creative communications and sustainability consultancy into one unique offering. Sarah’s work and R&G’s mission focus on helping purpose-led organizations activate their impact strategies, inspiring transformative change by using storytelling to shift cultural narratives and engage communities to develop solutions for environmental and social good. She is a recipient of a UN Global Compact award for her contribution toward the SDGs (Goal 17), a member of the Nova Scotia Minister’s Round Table for Environment and Sustainable Prosperity, and one of Canada’s Clean50 for 2024.

Want to be a featured future Wing Woman, or know someone who you’d think would make the perfect networking partner? Apply here: Wing Woman Application.


Did you make a fabulous new connection? Land a new client? Make a new BFF? We want to hear your networking success stories!!

Please share your success stories here and you could be featured in a future testimonial!!


Hannah Jackson is an award-winning photographer, creative director, speaker and author! With ten years experience in professional photography, Hannah prides herself on offering corporate and commercial clients high-impact, high-quality photography.

Please share & tag: Leading Ladies Networking, Menna Riley, Jackson Imaging & Betty’s at the Kitch along with yourself and everyone you know in the photos! Don’t forget to show some love for our sponsors (especially if you won one of their fabulous prizes)!!